Malaysia - China Bilateral Relation and Its Development Under Tun Abdul Razak, Tun Mahathir and Dato Seri Najib.
Malaysia and China had faced a gradual process of cooperation in order to build up mutual gain along the way. The relationship effort can be clearly seen in the era of Tun Abdul Razak , Tun Mahathir and Dato Seri Najib to ensure the closed cooperation maintained and developed.
The comparison between leadership Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Abdul Razak,Tun Mahathir Mohamed and Dato Seri Mohd Najib Tun Razak which can be regard as a landmark in in Bilateral Malaysia –China. This essay will look into three important aspect which is , (1) Confronting China with the Policy of Pro western and anti-communist (2) The shift to Neutrality with China under Tun Razak (3) Engaging close relation and economic cooperation in Mahathir and Najib Era. The essay will found out how far the bilateral relation has benefit each other and challenge they face in the cooperation. From the discussion we can see that the foreign policy of bilateral relation between Malaysia and China move in the flow of Realism in Tunku Abdul Rahman, Liberal in Tun Abdul Razak, Neo Realism in Mahathir and Najib. Furthermore, the discussion will also touch on the space for improvement and strengthening the bilateral cooperation in the future.
In making Foreign Policy there are a few theories can be applied that might help us to understand the formulation. Foreign policy is actually an outcome results from multiple forces at various level of analysis. In making decision process it usually involve the question of rationality – Into what extent are national leader are able to make rational decisions in the national interest (Joshua.S goldtein 2010 pg.107).
Malaysia foreign policy between China and Malaysia mostly formulated in the level of Individual Decision Makers, in this case, Prime Minister. Malaysia Foreign Policy move from pro western and anti communism to non alignment and neutrality base on the idiosyncrasies of its leadership. According to Robert O.Tilman cited by Faridah Jaafar, in taking example of Tunku Abdul Rahman foreign policy on his ideology of pro western and anti communist, the decision is made by Tunku herself and the agreement of Tunku action and policy were automatic because his cabinet and friend also have the same type of thinking with Tunku. (Faridah Jaafar pg.23-24)
However the Malaysia foreign policy transform from anti communist and pro western at the post independence to Neutrality under Tun Abdul Razak. Because of the background of China as communist country, it is a unthinkable for developing nation dare to make relation with China. However Tun Abdul Razak think beyond his era and the relationship continues under Mahathir and being prolong until Najib took over his place.
In Tunku Abdul Rahman period , they are no relation made to the countries that practicing communist ideology. During Tunku administration, Malaysia are depending on the western in their economic activity especially to ensure the market of tin and rubber are protected. We have joined a few organizations such as Commonwealth and United Nations Economic Commissions For Asia and Far East (ECAFE) to decrease the barriers among trading nation. (Faridah Jaafar pg.33) .In formulating foreign policy, every event in the international relation are actually comes from an individual decision making whether are intended or unintended. According to Joshua , decision making usually will be based on the rationality of the individual or the state leader itself. State rationality might not be the same as the individual rationality. He also added that Individual decision makers not only having differing values and belief , but also unique personalities which he mention as the personal experience, intellectual capabilities and personal style of making decision. (Joshua s.Goldstein .pg.107). Some of the most important factor that cause of Malaysia are to anti-communist are because of the background of Tunku itself that were describe by Abdullah Ahmad ;
“His royal roots, his many years in England, his pride of being a Malay Prince and a Muslim modernist and reformist, his abidng interest in Islam alongside his love for horse racing, poker , sports, dancing , wine , brandy , cigarettes, cigar, gracious living, a good life and parties, were keys to understanding him as a politician and his policies of the country. His British education and his fondness for British lifestyle had some effect on his perception of Islam.”(Faridah Jaafar ,pg.25)
The background of Tunku and his childhood experience lead him to make a policy that confront to all communist state including China. Some of the most evidence action of Tunku in opposing China is where Malaysia are supporting the “two- China “ policy in the United nation which recognize Taiwan as sovereign nation and does not support the China deny on Taiwan membership. Furthermore Malaysia under Tunku also criticize China action in Tibet 1959 and in the Sino Indian hostilities of 1962. In United Nation Tunku actively play an important role and even launched a “Saved Democracy Fund” and successfully raised RM1 million in the motion of “help India defend herself against China aggression”.(Johan Savaranamutu, pg.53) .
The commitment of confrontation towards China can be clearly see in the Speech by Tunku Cited by Robert Tilman which mention that:
The commitment of confrontation towards China can be clearly see in the Speech by Tunku Cited by Robert Tilman which mention that:
“We have been and are indeed, too close to China to take and academic or theoretical view of the situation. For ten long years and more, while the world has been shivering in the child winds of Cold War, we in (Malaya) were right in the storm centre of a shooting war arising out of communist campaign which threatened to overthrow our government..China started unprovoked aggression on India. China has recently resisted …violently the moderating influence of even its greatest ally..China regards a global class no war not only as inevitable but all these circumstances , we cannot avoid asking ourselves what good, in practical term should we do China or to ourselves by bringing it to the United Nation” (Tilman 1968b.p.7 cited by J.Savaranamuthu pg.53).
In my opinion, we cannot blame Tunku in choosing to confront China at the early post independence. This is because during that moment we are in the middle of Cold War and also Malaya are under the threats of communist and Malaya achieved its independence while the nation are still under Emergency between the year of 1948 -60’s. The communist subversive movements that were led by Bintang Tiga had become the major concern for Tunku and securities become the ultimate goal. The communist insurgency have done a lot of damage to the nation and the terrorist act of the guerilla had cost 191 lives in the first 6 month of 1947 and 107 more being killed in the year of 1948 (Ruslan Zainuddin, pg.152).
Therefore we can see that the awareness of Tunku towards formulation of anti communist policy are relevance and rational on his thought. Furthermore, the worried of Tunku in threat on China communism not just because of the geopolitical factors, it also emerge from the weakness of Malaya itself. During the time of early independence, Malaya are weak and unable to defense itself against any aggression internal or external. This force Malaya to sign the Anglo Malaya Defense Agreement in order to ensure that, in the event of attack (China, Indonesia or Vietnam perhaps), Malaya would be able to defense itself against such. The explanation on the rationality of Tunku action can be observed in his speech during Radio Malaya Talk on Defense Policy ,Straits Times 4 October 1961 ;
“ As far s as the federation of Malaya is concerned, we are relatively small nation with many demand on our resources. We have to concentrate our effort on improving the standard of living of our people provide them with amenities and social services which are necessary for an independent and civilized country. Therefore, we can only afford to maintain a small defense force and must depend for our external defense on the help of friends and allies in times of need. That is why…we entered into mutual defense pact with the United Kingdom Government, associated by the government of Australia and New Zealand…Our defense policy is, therefore, to contribute toward a common a commonwealth effort in the protection of our territories in this area and for the maintenance of external peace and security of our country to ensure that the authority of the lawful government is effectively enforced anywhere in the federation, including its territorial waters.”
Tunku Abdul Rahman during early independent have to made a neorealist approach in order to defense Malaya independence. Neorealist also sometimes called as structural realism where the nation will form some sort of structure accordance to the form of power in international relation. The power distribution are known as polarity and they are Multipolar system, bipolar system and Unipolar. Cold War is in the situation of Bipolar between Soviet union and United States. Sometimes people like to call it Tripolar by including China as one of the superpower in the 1960s and 1970s. (Joshua pg.56)
Therefore whether Tunku want it or not, he have to choose which side that take a ride to accomplish the most basic element of state which is security. In my opinion, the act of Tunku during that moment by” bandwagoning “ on the United States is a intelligent and smart way to ensure state survival against China threat.
A Shift from Confrontation policy to China to Neutrality and the Beginning of Malaysia- China Relation.
At the end of Tunku abdul Rahman period of administration, the idea neutrality and making relation between all nations including communist countries has been started and advised by Tun Abdul Razak . However, everything change when Tun Abdul Razak lead the country by changing our national policy from pro western to neutrality and non alignment. Some of the scholar mention this period as the second phase of Malaysia Foreign Policy. During his period of administration, even the worlds are in the middle of Cold War, Tun Abdul Razak belief that in order to achieve prosperity, we must imply cooperation approach and not confrontation. Again we can see that the rational decision process are become the main tools for the state leaders in decision process. Tun Abdul Razak Childhood and experience as a noblemen but have a chance living in village that moderate and gave him the experience of hardship of the people. During Tun Razak, the foreign policy he mention in his speech;
(pertama) mewujudkan perasaan keserantauan dan kerjasama serantau akan menjadi dasar luar kita.Kdua ,kita akan mengamalkan dasar berkecuai dalam hal ehwal Negara luar, dan ketiga, kita akan berusaha mewujudkan hubungan persahabatan , dengan seberapa banyak yang mungkin dan akan memngukuhkan hubungan kita dengan Negara-negara yang mempunyai kepentingan dan matlamat yang sama.Dasar luar Malaysia bertujuan mengelakkan ketegangan , mengukuhkan kerjasama antarabangsa dan mewujudkan kesedaran, kepentingan bersama setiap Negara didunia yang aman, adil dan jujur “ (Wan Mohd Mahyiddin and Haji Nik Mustaffa Yusop,1997 pg.151-167, cited by Faridah Jaafar pg 68)
Tun Abdul Razak are more open and seems to look at liberal perspective in formulating its foreign policy. Tun Abdul Razak always belief that the peace and cooperation can be achieved to ensure the peace and stability emerge. Tun Abdul Razak has made the bold steps in making a radical change in Malaysia foreign policy and this automatically made relation Malaysia and China a better chance. The discussion on how and why should Malaysia go forward with China during that moment to make a relation between China has started in the early of Tun Abdul Razak administration. In the the year of 1971 the media discuss on how should Malaysia during that time to engaged with China and Tun Razak mention that Malaysia will made a trade relation with China if they invite us first and provide the opportunities ( Bernama , 31st Mac 1971).
The issues on China Bilateral relation also raised in Parliament when the question ask by Tuan Haji Ahmad Arshad (Muar Utara) whether Tun Razak are going to China if he receive the official invitation by the country. Tun Razak answered that he may considered the invitation and this is important to ensure that the region can successfully become the zone of neutraility. ( Bernama, 19 July 1971 & Berita Harian 20 July 1971). The commitment of Tun Razak to ensure the region become the zone of neutrality are shown when even many parties criticized on his action to implement this and ask him to consult with Richard Nixon ,President of United States with his ideas. Tun Razak belief it is unnecessary for him to do so because he mention that we have about 10 countries that support the idea of neutrality and he also already explain to the state leader in Germany, Rumania, Indonesia, France,United States,and Yugoslavia when he paid visit to these countries ( Bernama 19 July 1971).
Furthermore Tun Razak is not just thinking in the aspect of Malaysia China bilateral relation , he also concern about the international relation between hegemony and hope the cooperation will also emerge in the larger context. This show in his opinion on the issues of China and Britain wanted to have a friendly relation and avoid confrontation in the Commonwealth.
In liberal theories of IR under Kant are trying to explain that peace can be achieved among nation. Immanuel Kant which is a German philosopher in 200 years ago has given the way and example for the nation to promote peace. Kant believe that the first principle that state should obey is the reciprocity principle that state could developed the organizations and rules to facilitate cooperation’s by specifically forming a world federation like in this case ASEAN and ZOPFAN. Second Principle of Kant is that he is trying to argue that in order to ensure the cooperation between nations successful, the country itself have to settle the internal problem. In taking example of Malaysia, Tunku Abdul Rahman have made the platform for maintaining the stability of the nation to next generation. Therefore, it is Tun Razak responsible to ensure that this “internal peace” will be continued in order to proceed to next step. The third principle of Kant is that , the tools of peace between countries is trade. At the early period of Tunku effort to implement these steps, he have face so many challenge and critics. However Tun Abdul Razak consistent with what is on his mind “to create South East Asia as a Zone of Peace and Neutrality” (Joshua goldsteinpg.85-86)
Tun Abdul Razak optimistic vision and unique ideas of neutrality are one of the important contribution in Malaysia Foreign policy development. The effort of Tun Abdul Razak seems to shows its fruit when the China unofficial business delegation pay a visit in Malaysia and agree to buy the rubber ,palm oil and log from Malaysia. This is a huge starting point for Malaysia and China to start a new era of corporation. Amazingly is that , even Tunku Abdul Rahman which is a former Prime Minister during that time support the policy of Tun Razak by saying that “ I believe and confident that if Communist China buy a rubber from us, so they price of rubber wont effect much’.
During the momentary visit also,Malaysia also agree to buy an machinery and other useful item made by the people Republic of China ( Bernama , 30 May 1972). The sincerity of Tun Razak are shown in his visit to Peking China in 1974 by saying that Malaysia and China should not suspicious with each other and the relation must be build a pieces by pieces. He also believes that the bad time of relation between this two countries should be forgotten and it is about time to build a new one. The past cannot be undone. ( 31 May 1974).
However in the Malaysia- China relation there are also some of the issues that being raised that might because of the closeness. Lim Kit Siang (DAP-Bandar Melaka) in 1974 questioning government about the issues of establishment of Bank Of China that worried will made the hard for other domestic bank will suffer. However Tun Razak mention that his visit to China with the Prime Minister during that time Chou En-Lai were not discussing about that matter , they only discuss on the idea and concept of establishing of zone of neutrality and the Prime Minister seems to agree with the idea. ( Bernama “ Penubuhan Bank Of China Tak Timbul –Razak “ 23 July 1974)
Engaging close relation and economic cooperation in Mahathir and Najib Era
Mahathir looks international relation and foreign policy as more towards Liberal Institutionalism or Neoliberal. Neo liberal approach has a kind of different in the approach of international affairs. Neoliberals are like the combination between realism and liberalist. Just like given example in Baldwin & David A. mention that what Neoliberals says to realist is “ Even if we grant your assumption about nature of states and their motives, your pessimist conclusion do not follow “. (Joshua pg.86) .
Mahathir have started his leadership in positive way looking a China as the next giant and urge global community not to fear on China emerge in international arena. He mentions in his comment on the western paranoid in China development by saying that “West is actually afraid of China economic development and not their military power”. He also said that with the market of 1.2 billion people , even in the low capital income, it will still become a very attractive market for the business. (K.C Leon 03 Mac 1996, West Fears China’s Economic, Not Military power, says Mahathir in Bernama). Mahathir shift Malaysia foreign policy from western oriented to “look east Policy” . This is again can be sees as Malaysia are changing its “bandwagon” again bit by bit and take a middle way to ensure the nation won’t lose both superpower support.
The positivist view of Tun Mahathir upon China made the relation between Malaysia and China closer and benefited each other. China people and their leaders really respect the charismatic values that Tun Mahathir in dealing with international arena. Some of their respect and gratitude are documented for example during Mahathir visits to Beijing, Vice Prime Minister Li Lanqing during that time praise Mahathir on his bravery on voicing out the interest for developing country . (Ali Mamat,China Puji Keberanian Mahathir , 19 August 1999, Bernama) . The appreciation also can be shown also after Tun Mahathir resignation where University Tsinghua present him an honorary Degree from the faculty of Economy and Management.( Dr.Mahathir di China Untuk Terima Ijazah Kehormat Universiti Tsinghua. 20 April 2004,Bernama) . The friendly realation between Malaysia and China under Tun Mahathir were also admitted by He Guo Qiang the Secretary od Communist Party Of China Chogqing Commision. (25 September 2002, Dr. Mahathir Well-Respected by People Of China, BERNAMA). Apart of that Mahathir also urge international community to view China rapid economic development positively. Event China is a competitors, it also presents opportunities for cooperation towards increased trade and investment and cross flow.
The technological advantage that China have can be share if Malaysia wanted to make them as trading partners. According to the report that Malaysia cumulative in China up to June 2002 were amounted to RM 9.31 billion with 2,215 approved project. Some of the major sectors for investnment are in the production of wood based products, computers, office equipment, plastic –based products and foodstuffs. Tun Mahathir did mention that because of multicultural of Malaysia, it is easier for China investor because the business community in Malaysia use mandarine.(BERNAMA,08 Oktober 2002).
All of these combinations of good image of State leader transformed into trade and business between both countries. The good relations enhance the trust and encourage business activities. According to Datuk Abdul Samad Maharuddin, the chairman of Acmar International group, “Malaysia’s fine reputation and Dr Mahathir, who is well known and respected here certainly helped our business dealing here,” which is a company that have a headquarters in Klang and invested RM 20 million in Fujian Province (BERNAMA, 04 August 1999). Malaysia and China also make a relation event in a bilateral meeting on APEC and show an interest to invest in Western China when President China Jiang Zemin during the meeting 2000 offer any foreign investor that would like to join the development in the area. (BERNAMA,15 November 2000).
Malaysia has started the bilateral relation 37 years ago under by father of Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak which Tun Abdul Razak and the relation had been maintain until nowadays. Current development of Malaysia China Bilateral ties are at peak when Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao pay a visit to Malaysia on 27 April in the two days official visit to Malaysia in intention to boost economic cooperation and education beside promoting friendly relation Bilateral ties. Interesting event is that, Wen Jiao Bao come to Malaysia with his business enterprise delegation and take opportunity to explore investment and trade cooperation.
The relation between Malaysia actually had been strengthened before by the President Hu Jin Tao in 2009 where he visits Malaysia to maintain the traditional friendship. The relation continues with series of visit with the NPC Vice Chairman Li Jianguo visited Malaysia In march. To enhance economic cooperation Najib also pay a four day visit to China and he describes it as one of the most fruitful. He said during the visit the significant achievement was an endorsed strategic action plan covering 13 major areas, which served as the guideline for relations between Malaysia and China.”I had indicated to China’s prime minister that Malaysia could offer commercial banking license to China’s central bank on condition that China reciprocated by allwing greater participation by Malaysia in China’s financial and banking system,” Najib said. (BERNAMA,05 Jun 2009, Najib Describes China Visit As Most Fruitful ). The commitment on better bilateral relation also can be follow during the interview in “Toptalk” showed which was aired by the Astro Awani television on 16 of June 2009. “ I would like to see the relation getting even stronger and deeper …taking advantages of different kind of modalities, for example the joint venture between Petronas and China National Oil Company in Sudan. That is a good Modality for others to follow suit “. (Interview in Astro Awani 16 June 2009) .
On the same motion Najib also again express his hope that Malaysia –China trade values will double in 5 to 6 years to come. Because of this relation China has become the biggest trading partner for Malaysia, bigger than United States. “it is our hope that trading and investment between Malaysia China will expand onto other sector also include energy, agriculture , fishery and sciences and technology to mutual benefits for both countries “.(BERNAMA,28 April 2010 ,Najib: Malaysia Harap Dagangan Dengan China Berganda Dalam 5-6 Tahun ) .
Furthermore in 2010, Dato Seri Mohd Najib Tun Razak paid a visit to China to signed with the Chinese side Joint action Plan on China-Malaysia strategic cooperation. Furthermore, Liu Qi, member of Political Bureaus of the CPC Central Committee and Secretary of the Beijing visited Malaysia in December. This strong Relation has made Malaysia the biggest trading partner of China among ASEAN countries. China also involve in the building of Second Penang Bridge . In addition, the people bank of China and Bank Negara Malaysia had signed a bilateral currency swap agreement that involve RMB 80 billion Yuan in February. Furthermore, Bank Negara Malaysia had issued a business license to the industrial and commercial Bank of China. ( 2010/).
In 2011, Malaysia –China Bilateral trade had been growing from US$74.2 bil (RM222.3 bil) to US$ 80 bil (RM 239.7bil) according to Malaysia-China Chamber of Commerce vice-president Kerk Loong Sing.( Malaysia China bilateral trade to grow, The Star Online 19 November 2011). The relation between both country are at best in this moment where the economic cooperation increase said Malaysia ambassador to China Datuk Iskandar Sarudin.
He also mention that Malaysia as the eight biggest trading partner with China. Some of the main export China to Malaysia are electrical machines; machinery, optics, medical apparatus; plastics; furniture, steel, fertilizer;cars;shoes;textile; and vegetables. However China import our product such as machinery; electrical appliance; edible fats; oil; rubber; Plastics ;organics chemical; medical apparatus; and aluminum .(The Star Online, Malaysia –China Bilateral Ties at their Best by Malaysia Envoy to China, 19 November 2011).
He also mention that Malaysia as the eight biggest trading partner with China. Some of the main export China to Malaysia are electrical machines; machinery, optics, medical apparatus; plastics; furniture, steel, fertilizer;cars;shoes;textile; and vegetables. However China import our product such as machinery; electrical appliance; edible fats; oil; rubber; Plastics ;organics chemical; medical apparatus; and aluminum .(The Star Online, Malaysia –China Bilateral Ties at their Best by Malaysia Envoy to China, 19 November 2011).
Malaysia Foreign policy between China and Malaysia are unique and interesting to be studied. The shift from Realism, Liberalism and Neoliberals’ can be seen quite clear along the the essay. In the Multipolar global politics, there is no doubt that nation will keep continue jump on each other bandwagon to ensure the survivality and sovereignty of country sustain. In the global politics nowadays are seems to favors toward the non democratic countries in term of economic power (Singapore, China,and Russia) which saw the demise of democratic country especially in Europe and United State, it is unsurprised to see the Neoliberals will shift back to Realism and Mercantilism where the small states like Malaysia can be “umbrellas” upon .
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